Tell the Story Technique - Can't remember the conversation or emotions

I have been doing a lot of Tell the story Technique on my own. There are some movies that may be quite relevant but I cannot remember what that person said. In past movies I have said `I can't remember what I felt' but it doesn't help remember the feelings.

Please can you tell me what to say. The idea of making up what that person said doesn't feel right as it was what they said that terrified me.

Kind regards

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May 28, 2024
Tell the Story Technique Block to Remembering
by: Eloisa

You want to tap on the thought that "it was what they said that terrified me". The words people speak can be interpreted by the listener and more than one way. We give meaning based on our past experiences to what someone says. So, it is more accurate to say "I have forgotten the meaning I gave to the words that were said because they were terrifying."

You may have dissociated from that meaning and we protect our self from "terror" and having to "re-live" it by not remembering. So, you want to be ready to tap for an abreaction if the memory comes up. Tap continuously for5-10 minutes or more. Or you may want to work with an experienced EFT Practitioner that can assist you.

Terror can often put us in "freeze mode" feeling paralyzed state, so it's a good idea to know what you are doing or work with someone that has seen the abreactions come up to help you through that.

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