My Voice

by Brenda
(Lafayette, LA USA )

First I have not tried EFT yet. Was searching internet and came across your website.

My question is how do I find my voice? All my life I have experience a lack of voice. Afraid to speak!!! I have the confidence sometimes, but most time I keep quite because I am afraid of making a fool of myself, being laugh at...because I get nervous when I have to speak to a new person that I just met or if I am in a group. I tend to speak "ass" backwards and I worry so much about it...and that is exactly how it comes out. I do laugh at myself, but I feel stupid when I do this.

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Jun 12, 2013
Finding My Voince Response
by: Eloisa Ramos, EFT Master

Your voice is there, you just have some fears based on past unpleasant experiences and beliefs that keeps it suppressed.

Since you say, “All my life I have experienced a lack of voice” it is possible that you inherited these fears or may have experienced them as part of your mother’s experience in the womb or had an experience very early in life where you felt unsafe when others laughed at you.

The point is that with EFT you can release the fear trapped in these past memories so that you won’t react in the present moment with fear.

To get to the past experiences, including womb experiences, you would need to tap on the most recent experience you had where you felt nervous and focus on that nervous feeling and release it.

The subconscious mind will them bring up related experiences that need clearing.

I can also see that you have some beliefs around what it means to be laughed at. You have it equated with stupidity. We have all made mistakes when we said something we didn’t mean or it came out wrong, but how we judge that is different for each person.

You will have to tap to clear the “I feel stupid” and the judgement or belief that somehow it is bad or unsafe to feel this way or that you are supposed to always be or appear intelligent or smart. Making a “fool of myself” is threatening for you, but not for everyone. Comedians for example, enjoy the attention and getting people to laugh.

Since you don’t have EFT experience, I would recommend you work with an EFT Professional, (I’m more than happy to work with you) unless you have the time and inclination to learn EFT for yourself, and are willing to work on it knowing it will take you longer to get to all the aspects involved.

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