Looking for approval outside myself / worrying what other people think of me / negative self-talk

by Raechel
(Santa Rosa, CA)

How to love and accept and approve myself the way I am, and stop looking for approval outside myself.

How to stop worrying what others think of me and discover my true self-worth, fulfillment and peace within.

How to think positive, loving thoughts about myself and others.

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Jun 16, 2013
Looking for Approval and Self-esteem
by: Eloisa Ramos, EFT Master

The core problem with self-esteem issues is: what we have come to believe or have concluded that we are. The issue cannot be separated from our sense of identity. Unfortunately our belief system which directs our perspective and how we see our self, is to most of us unconscious and holding contradictory beliefs around what we are.

We have so many beliefs that begin with "I am ___". We want to believe that we are as we think or imagine that we are, but we can’t be what we think, since we are the thinker of that thought.

This is the fundamental confusion in our mind, and I talk about it in depth in my book "Beyond Self-esteem: Discovering Your Boundless Self-worth".

In order to connect with our true Self or identity we need to unravel a belief system that is like a ball of yarn that has gotten all tangled up and that we identify ourselves with. And yet, it can be as easy as recognizing we have a choice on what to believe about ourselves and choosing only to believe what is loving about ourselves simply on faith.

When you can recognize that what you are has nothing to do with what you think or what others think, you will be free from self-esteem issues because you will have connected to your higher mind which goes beyond the conceptual mind and is where true knowledge resides.

Not only is this possible to recognize, in mine mind, it is the holy purpose of what we are here on earth to do.

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