Finding my perfect clients and writing my tapping book.

by Renee talbot
(Billings mt)

Two things. I am currently an eft level one, two classes away from my level two certification. I need to find my perfect tapping clients. One of my goals is getting off disability using surrogate tapping, group tapping. My other goal is writing my first eft book. A clearing for both of these issues so I can move forward in life. Blessings and Thanks,

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Dec 07, 2016
Is EFT Magic or a Tool in Self-healing and Self-insight?
by: Eloisa

Hi Renee,

Sometimes we want to treat EFT as if it was a magical technique for getting what we wish for. It is not that. It is a healing aid. It requires a desire to heal our mind and a commitment to work diligently and persistently to dig deep into our belief system and find the "blocks" or misperceptions in our thinking that interferes with the recognition that in divine truth we lack nothing and are/have everything.

It is only from this place of recognition of our wholeness that we can co-create experiences that reflect the perfection that is inherent in our divine creation (ie perfect clients).

You need to use your EFT training to release whatever it is that keeps you from accepting your divine perfection and wholeness. That is your work. Surrogate tapping is not a magical way for others to do our healing for us.

We all have our own healing to work on. It is great to receive help, but it does not shift the responsibility for this work to others.

Nov 29, 2016
Finding my perfect clients snd eroting my first book
by: Renrr

I want to find my perfect cliemts. My pergect clients accept surrogate tapping as a paid for service. I also would like a clearing for the block that is keeping me from writing my book.

Nov 15, 2016
Clearing for others surrogately
by: Eloisa

Hi Renee,

If I understand what you wrote correctly you are asking for surrogate tapping to help you clear the blocks that keep you on disability and from writing your first eft book. I would be happy to help out, but you did not tell me what those blocks are that need clearing.

All of our blocks and problems are set up in a very personal way. The blocks are specific to your past experiences and the conclusions you made that set-up your belief system about what you think you are - the "I am" statements.

Although, A Course in Miracles says there is only one problem behind all the problems we experience, that being the belief in separation and division (ego) which comes from what we want to believe we are (a body and not eternal spirit) and what the source of our creation is (our self and not God); I would still need to find out where you stand in reference to these ideas so that I could see where the error in thinking is that needs correcting or clearing.

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