EFT Radio April to June 2016

      (A Course in Miracles Text)

With Eloisa Ramos, EFT Master

I joined EFT Radio Online in January, 2014, with the intention to share the learning and insights received from combining EFT tapping  with the practice and study of A Course in Miracles.

Every two weeks I present a theme on EFT Radio from A Course in Miracles in healing of the mind and the miracle. Beginning with January, 2014, the topics focused on applying the Lessons of ACIM in order.

Starting with the program on July 3, 2015, I received guidance from the Principles found in the Text of ACIM for the topics. The radio shows also began to alternate first in English and then Spanish. 

I welcome your questions or feedback: contact me.

Are We the Authors of Reality and Life? Do We Create Our Self?

April 8, 2016

Do you know what/who you are with certainty? What is the Source of your creation? Why is there so much conflict and confusion around answering these questions of identity and creation?

When we try to use perception, which is based on judgment and interpretation, to answer these questions, we cannot know anything with certainty.

Page 44 of A Course in Miracles says, “You keep asking what it is you are. This implies that the answer is not only one you know, but is also one that is up to you to supply. Yet you cannot perceive yourself correctly. You have no image to be perceived. The word ‘image’ is always perception-related, and not a part of knowledge.”

Today with Eloisa Ramos we want to open our mind to the truth of our identity and creation when we ask: Who or what is the authority and author of our Life? Is reality created by thinking and believing it is the way I wish it to be?  Is the self image the true Self? 

¿Somos los autores de la realidad y de la vida?

¿Nos creamos a nosotros mismos?

22 de Abril, 2016

 ¿Te conoces con certeza? ¿Cuál es la fuente de tu creación? ¿Por qué hay tanto conflicto y confusión en tratar de contestar  estas preguntas sobre nuestra identidad y creación?

Cuando intentamos utilizar la percepción, con el uso del juicio y la interpretación ,no es posible contestar estas preguntas con certeza.

La página 49 dice, “La pregunta fundamental que continuamente te haces no puedes propiamente dirigírtela a ti mismo. Continúas preguntándote que es lo que eres, lo cual implica no solo que sabes la respuesta, sino que es a ti a quien le corresponde proveerla. No obstante, es imposible que puedas percibirte a ti mismo correctamente. No tienes una imagen que puedas percibir. La palabra ‘imagen’ esta siempre vinculada a la percepción y no forma parte del conocimiento.

Hoy con Eloisa Ramos deseamos abrir nuestra mente a la verdad de nuestra identidad y creación cuando preguntamos: ¿Quién o cuál es la autoridad y el autor de nuestra vida? ¿La realidad será creada con nuestras ilusiones y creencias de cómo deseamos que sea?  ¿Es la imagen de uno mismo el Ser divino y verdadero?

What is Self-esteem? Why Do We Need to Build Self-worth?

May 6, 2016

What is self-esteem and why does it lack constancy and certainty? Why can self-esteem and self-worth be lost? If we need to build self-worth what is the construction material we use?

Today with Eloisa Ramos we explore how we are defining and interpreting self-esteem and self-worth such that they can fluctuate and be destroyed and then built up again. More importantly, we want to understand and decide what we want to believe establishes our self-worth and value.

The Text of A Course in Miracles page 54 says, “Your worth is established by God. As long as you dispute this everything you do will be fearful, particularly any situation that lends itself to the belief in superiority and inferiority…Again,--nothing you do or think or wish or make is necessary to establish your worth. This point is not debatable except in delusions.”

We will explore why our value and worth is beyond self-steem and how we can connect with the truth of our inherent and perfect worth.

Return to Eloisa Ramos Media

EFT Radio January to March, 2014

EFT Radio April to June, 2015

Rebuilding Trust Article

Beyond Self Esteem: Discovering Your Boundless Self-worth

Go to EFT Tapping

EFT Phone Sessions

EFT Articles

The Ramos Clearing Technique

Kindle Version: $4.99

"I bought a copy of your book... I just wanted to say thank you for writing it. I was pretty desperate to feel better physically and emotionally when I got it, and since, I've experienced profound emotional healing. Thank you for giving me the healing messages I needed to hear, like a kind, loving mother."

by Ilona Z.

Reading Chapter 3