EFT and Grey Hair

I just wanted to ask you if ths technique helps to reverse grey hair because I'm too young.

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Jan 02, 2016
Grey Hair Issues tha May Need Tapping
by: Eloisa

I have not heard of any person using EFT to address grey hair, but EFT can be applied to any problem.

However, I would approach it the same way as any other problem to address with EFT. You will need to tune in and find the underlying emotions, beliefs, perceptions, etc. associated with aging and grey hair to tap on.

Find the meaning grey hair, aging, the belief in time have for you and connect to any fear or other emotions that comes up when you look at their meaning.

I suspect that if you decide to pursue the issue with tapping, it will take you to the spiritual level, in the long run, where we all have to decide what we want to believe we are: a body that gets old and dies, or created by the Source of all life as an eternal spirit that cannot age or die.

So you see, it is not that EFT cannot help you with the grey hair, but rather whether you are willing to pursue and release all the issues that are tied to it.

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