Breathing or Qi Prana the Key to Alzheimers?

by Mary
(Chewelah Washington)


I believe you may be onto something with the idea of your mother blocking her feelings or emotions but from what I have read about breathing techniques lately, we tend to stifle our breathing patterns when we hold our emotions back as well.

Could it be that in holding back our emotions, we hold back our breathing, especially in our stressful Western society which in turn holds back or limits our daily supply of Qi or Prana?

This could actually be the onset of the brain slowly but surely withering away.

In some of the books on breathing techniques that I have read recently, they talk about a tribe of people that easily live past 100 and look like they are 50-60. They have a practice of breathing properly, unlike "civilized" societies do.

Try looking into "rhythmic breathing" exercises and see what I mean. Modern society has long lost that art.


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Jan 17, 2015
Breathing and Emotional Blockage
by: Eloisa

Thank you for sharing. Emotional blockage can result in breathing difficulties and shallow breath. In my experience, the type of physical symptom and in what body organ it will show up, will depend on where the energy/emotional block is in our energy system (i.e.which energy meridians are blocked and which chakras are affected.)

My mother does not have any breathing issues that we know off. I did work with a client who was not able to breath to full capacity except on every 20th breath of so and yes, he was repressing his emotions, in particular anger. But he expressed shame and guilt quite well.

To get to the cause of Alzheimer's, in my opinion, we need to look for the cause in the mind. I don't mean the brain by that because that is at the physical level. I mean the thinking, the beliefs that leads a person to suppress emotions. Their blockage shows up as an energy imbalance and so in time, the organs not getting enough energy will deteriorate.

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